Home House Prices Sold Prices Brackenbury Village

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Brackenbury Village Sold Prices

Historical house price data for Brackenbury Village provided by Foxtons and the Land Registry

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Latest average sold prices in Brackenbury Village


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6 sales in May



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Last 12 months: Average sold prices

Brackenbury Village house prices

Source: Land Registry. Latest property sales information (for May 2024) across all estate agents selling property in Brackenbury Village

Average sold prices in Brackenbury Village
2000 - 2024

We can see that average property prices in Brackenbury Village are lower than last year. However, to see how homes in Brackenbury Village are performing right now, take a look at our Brackenbury Village house price overview.

Year Average sold property price in Brackenbury Village
2000 £293778.951851852
2001 £309447.636678201
2002 £346530.796551724
2003 £352760.28627451
2004 £392444.30141844
2005 £420241
2006 £447661.545126354
2007 £571314.297619048
2008 £574385.487394958
2009 £533197.614035088
2010 £661962.24
2011 £561042.192468619
2012 £716167.984455959
2013 £825418.74137931
2014 £816969.539534884
2015 £831310.541666667
2016 £828303.560386473
2017 £838299.364583333
2018 £900203.524271845
2019 £905763.226744186
2020 £945692.194805195
2021 £910041.524714829
2022 £919065.701244813
2023 £1013140.01801802
2024 £862041.025641026

© Crown copyright

Number of sold properties per year in Brackenbury Village
2000 - 2024

Year Number of properties sold in Brackenbury Village
2000 270
2001 289
2002 290
2003 255
2004 282
2005 222
2006 277
2007 252
2008 119
2009 114
2010 175
2011 239
2012 193
2013 174
2014 215
2015 168
2016 207
2017 192
2018 309
2019 172
2020 154
2021 263
2022 241
2023 111
2024 39

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