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Cockfosters Sold Prices

Historical house price data for Cockfosters provided by Foxtons and the Land Registry

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Last 12 months: Average sold prices

Cockfosters house prices

Source: Land Registry. Latest property sales information (for May 2024) across all estate agents selling property in Cockfosters

Average sold prices in Cockfosters
2000 - 2024

We can see that average property prices in Cockfosters are lower than last year. However, to see how homes in Cockfosters are performing right now, take a look at our Cockfosters house price overview.

Year Average sold property price in Cockfosters
2000 £169815.954954955
2001 £241743.158249158
2002 £229195.964052288
2003 £266570.241803279
2004 £292343.752808989
2005 £295806.523148148
2006 £311491.171875
2007 £356949.908366534
2008 £339920.78125
2009 £343198.712121212
2010 £426554.32748538
2011 £398635.731707317
2012 £418421.930232558
2013 £416240.024691358
2014 £473442.479768786
2015 £513029.916201117
2016 £637106.940860215
2017 £594693.786982249
2018 £674103.543307087
2019 £536303.670731707
2020 £632429.984962406
2021 £687336.486486487
2022 £686953.35
2023 £652581.818181818
2024 £574524.193548387

© Crown copyright

Number of sold properties per year in Cockfosters
2000 - 2024

Year Number of properties sold in Cockfosters
2000 222
2001 297
2002 306
2003 244
2004 267
2005 216
2006 256
2007 251
2008 96
2009 132
2010 171
2011 123
2012 129
2013 162
2014 173
2015 179
2016 186
2017 169
2018 127
2019 164
2020 133
2021 222
2022 160
2023 88
2024 31

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