Home House Prices Sold Prices Kings Road

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Kings Road Sold Prices

Historical house price data for Kings Road provided by Foxtons and the Land Registry

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Latest average sold prices in Kings Road


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14 sales in May



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Last 12 months: Average sold prices

Kings Road house prices

Source: Land Registry. Latest property sales information (for May 2024) across all estate agents selling property in Kings Road

Average sold prices in Kings Road
2000 - 2024

We can see that average property prices in Kings Road are lower than last year. However, to see how homes in Kings Road are performing right now, take a look at our Kings Road house price overview.

Year Average sold property price in Kings Road
2000 £585759.703157895
2001 £572354.022041763
2002 £644986.012396694
2003 £637739.448322148
2004 £704373.517201835
2005 £779971.818309859
2006 £889948.454354669
2007 £1050946.18248175
2008 £1205425.33245383
2009 £1069126.8127572
2010 £1366167.20620438
2011 £1350532.03486239
2012 £1364529
2013 £1701988.73735726
2014 £2187393.37019231
2015 £1991402.77777778
2016 £1851983.39220779
2017 £1896943.64736842
2018 £2131609.32303371
2019 £2199293.36432161
2020 £2285781.39376771
2021 £2193424.90697674
2022 £2403127.63127413
2023 £2354881.00949367
2024 £1976784.94690265

© Crown copyright

Number of sold properties per year in Kings Road
2000 - 2024

Year Number of properties sold in Kings Road
2000 950
2001 862
2002 968
2003 745
2004 872
2005 710
2006 953
2007 822
2008 379
2009 486
2010 548
2011 545
2012 529
2013 613
2014 624
2015 522
2016 385
2017 380
2018 356
2019 398
2020 353
2021 473
2022 518
2023 316
2024 113

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