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Norbury Sold Prices

Historical house price data for Norbury provided by Foxtons and the Land Registry

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Latest average sold prices in Norbury


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Last 12 months: Average sold prices

Norbury house prices

Source: Land Registry. Latest property sales information (for May 2024) across all estate agents selling property in Norbury

Average sold prices in Norbury
2000 - 2024

We can see that average property prices in Norbury are higher than last year. However, to see how homes in Norbury are performing right now, take a look at our Norbury house price overview.

Year Average sold property price in Norbury
2000 £126576.300587741
2001 £138231.703416149
2002 £171422.151590767
2003 £190946.074305556
2004 £204594.185670262
2005 £214291.131830009
2006 £223189.861237785
2007 £247164.842544987
2008 £236330.885245902
2009 £229356.965
2010 £244357.653256705
2011 £230699.478899083
2012 £263683.443365696
2013 £288834.548723898
2014 £315938.502868069
2015 £359527.706209453
2016 £402489.299677766
2017 £414180.245762712
2018 £400845.419475655
2019 £429570.550786838
2020 £435626.74340176
2021 £465037.851924975
2022 £478827.476070529
2023 £466678.886956522
2024 £483966.41025641

© Crown copyright

Number of sold properties per year in Norbury
2000 - 2024

Year Number of properties sold in Norbury
2000 1191
2001 1288
2002 1603
2003 1440
2004 1298
2005 1153
2006 1535
2007 1556
2008 671
2009 400
2010 522
2011 545
2012 618
2013 862
2014 1046
2015 1079
2016 931
2017 826
2018 801
2019 699
2020 682
2021 1013
2022 794
2023 575
2024 195

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