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Walton-on-Thames house prices
Source: Land Registry. Latest property sales information (for November 2024) across all estate agents selling property in Walton-on-Thames
We can see that average property prices in Walton-on-Thames are lower than last year. However, to see how homes in Walton-on-Thames are performing right now, take a look at our Walton-on-Thames house price overview.
Year | Average sold property price in Walton-on-Thames |
2000 | £206757.730684327 |
2001 | £237067.316443595 |
2002 | £263680.467105263 |
2003 | £277140.946484785 |
2004 | £291424.394352483 |
2005 | £316043.414752116 |
2006 | £338083.06037001 |
2007 | £360540.311977716 |
2008 | £366404.171875 |
2009 | £354512.415061296 |
2010 | £427892.025728988 |
2011 | £389453.490769231 |
2012 | £417775.219869707 |
2013 | £434518.38845727 |
2014 | £474762.867902665 |
2015 | £493354.572423398 |
2016 | £552186.226490066 |
2017 | £544572.211055276 |
2018 | £520369.037878788 |
2019 | £532612.916546763 |
2020 | £582042.539730135 |
2021 | £619647.98274209 |
2022 | £636095.582107843 |
2023 | £649003.542857143 |
2024 | £633133.821510297 |
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Year | Number of properties sold in Walton-on-Thames |
2000 | 906 |
2001 | 1046 |
2002 | 1064 |
2003 | 953 |
2004 | 1027 |
2005 | 827 |
2006 | 1027 |
2007 | 1077 |
2008 | 512 |
2009 | 571 |
2010 | 583 |
2011 | 650 |
2012 | 614 |
2013 | 901 |
2014 | 863 |
2015 | 718 |
2016 | 755 |
2017 | 597 |
2018 | 660 |
2019 | 695 |
2020 | 667 |
2021 | 1043 |
2022 | 816 |
2023 | 490 |
2024 | 437 |
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