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Why not explore the nearby areas of Hampton, The Moleseys, Hanworth, Teddington, Thames Ditton, Esher, Whitton, Bedfont and Weybridge
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"Did you know that you need to have written permission to touch a pelican in London's Royal Parks?"
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This is not a place for youngsters, but as a place to raise a family or enjoy a quiet life it's great. The village has great local shops and restaurants with the walled garden offering quiet solace and a nice slice of cake. It offers a good selection of Victoriana and 1930s housing, as well as a few new build properties but all built in keeping with the local area. We lived here for 10 years on Church Street, rented in Weybridge for 6 months and then returned as we preferred the local people and the quiet nature of the area. Even if I won the lottery I would just move to either the avenue or down to one of the houses on the Thames. This area is perfect.
Local resident
In terms of local schools, for boys in particular, you are in a golden triangle of choice with Hampton, St James and Halliford all equidistant and accessible by the children on public transport. It's also an excellent place for children to grow up with access to tennis courts, good sports centres and swimming pools, local sailing and kayaking etc. Why anyone would choose Hampton over Sunbury astounds me - Hampton is overcrowded, noisy, with few facilities.......make your own choice, but do it over a glass in the Magpie by the river.
Local resident
Lower Sunbury is a part of the town of Sunbury-on-Thames, Surrey, which lies between the River Thames and the M3 Motorway. This part of the town has more of a village atmosphere. The main streets in this area are the Thames Street and Manor Lane, which runs parallel with the River Thames, and Green Street and The Avenue which run perpendicular. There are a number of small shops mainly concentrated near the river and a large number of pubs. Also along the riverside are Sunbury Church and The Riverside Arts Centre. Part of Lower Sunbury next to the river is a conservation area.
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Feedback about living in Lower Sunbury has been submitted directly by the public and may not neccessarily reflect the views of Foxtons. The description of Lower Sunbury was modified from Wikipedia and is available under the Creative Commons licence. Land Registry data is Crown copyright.
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