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Westfield Sold Prices

Historical house price data for Westfield provided by Foxtons and the Land Registry

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Last 12 months: Average sold prices

Westfield house prices

Source: Land Registry. Latest property sales information (for May 2024) across all estate agents selling property in Westfield

Average sold prices in Westfield
2000 - 2024

We can see that average property prices in Westfield are higher than last year. In fact, property prices in Westfield have been increasing for 3 years in a row now which is a great sign for local homeowners looking for larger equity in their homes. The average home in Westfield is now worth 28% more this year than it was 3 years ago.

Year Average sold property price in Westfield
2000 £174753.465116279
2001 £196256.45
2002 £223700
2003 £272546.25
2004 £259657.954545455
2005 £299377.043478261
2006 £294625
2007 £384329.487179487
2008 £358533.333333333
2009 £330662.5
2010 £332411.224489796
2011 £328637.666666667
2012 £361377.027027027
2013 £375650
2014 £460830.815789474
2015 £378831.129032258
2016 £432160
2017 £425470.755813953
2018 £478158.1
2019 £513162.162162162
2020 £461074.242424242
2021 £457973.58490566
2022 £476284.31372549
2023 £518681.818181818
2024 £611314.285714286

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Number of sold properties per year in Westfield
2000 - 2024

Year Number of properties sold in Westfield
2000 43
2001 40
2002 48
2003 40
2004 44
2005 46
2006 42
2007 39
2008 30
2009 36
2010 49
2011 45
2012 37
2013 35
2014 38
2015 62
2016 71
2017 86
2018 50
2019 37
2020 33
2021 53
2022 51
2023 22
2024 7

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